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Incense Sticks for Meditation

Incense Inspiration

Incense Sticks for Meditation

Incense is a great way to elevate your meditation practice. If you'd like to learn more about mediation and the best incense sticks for meditation then keep reading. When meditating, you need to keep a clear mind so this plays a major role in selecting your incense stick.

When selecting your incense stick, think about scents you like, scents that make you feel calm and relaxed. Here are some of our favourite incense sticks for meditation alongside what we love about them!


incense meditation

This 21cm incense stick can last as long as an hour which is just the perfect amount of time for you to submerge yourself deeply into the depths of meditation and observe your thoughts. Sandalwood is one of the most popular scents of incense. If your sense of smell is very touchy then you should definitely opt for these 21cm sandalwood incense sticks. They are often used in public areas as well so it could be quite nostalgic for you.


21cm Sandalwood Incense Sticks
21cm Sandalwood Incense Sticks
21cm Sandalwood Incense Sticks

The aura of Tibet, the home of many monasteries can be found in this incense stick. If you're looking to have a long and deep meditation session then this is the incense scent for you. Reminiscent of mountains, waterfalls and centuries of bone-deep spirituality, these incense sticks are perfect for exploring your mind and the universe within you. These incense sticks also come in agarwood, wormwood and of course the authentic Tibetan scent.


Tibetan Incense Sticks 450/box
Tibetan Incense Sticks 450/box
Tibetan Incense Sticks 450/box

These natural Indonesian sticks are a great aromatic incense stick. You can use this when you need a quick meditation break or a scent to keep you calm as you perform tasks around your home. These incense sticks come in several scents, they come in variants of agarwood, sandalwood and wormwood.


Natural Indonesian Ambon Agarwood Incense Sticks
Natural Indonesian Ambon Agarwood Incense Sticks
Natural Indonesian Ambon Agarwood Incense Sticks

The dragon blood incense sticks come in a six box pack. This scent was inspired by India and their rich culture. This scent is well known for its purifying and calming qualities. If you need an incense stick that promotes calmness then this is the incense stick for you. You can read more about this fascinating incense stick in detail here.


Dragon's Blood Incense Sticks - 6 Box Pack
Dragon's Blood Incense Sticks - 6 Box Pack
Dragon's Blood Incense Sticks - 6 Box Pack

If you want simpler incense sticks with simpler scents then this is the incense stick for you. These sticks come in a plethora of scents such as lavender, rose, wormwood, cologne, jasmine, tea, ocean, mint & vanilla as well as forest. All these simpler scents are available for you to try in these 40 stick boxes.      

40/box Sticks Natural Incense Sticks
40/box Sticks Natural Incense Sticks

Incense is an aromatic material treasured for its many spiritual as well as practical uses. Incense has been a staple in the spiritual community for decades with its first recorded use being related to spirituality in Ancient Egypt. One aspect of spirituality that regularly endorses the use of incense is meditation.


Meditation is a spiritual practice that involves sitting still usually in a cross-legged position and attempting to detach yourself from your thought process. If you're just starting to get into spirituality and meditation then you've probably heard the term "empty your mind." While this is the goal of meditation, it can be quite hard to simply let go of your thoughts especially if you've never done it before.


Therefore we will advise simply letting your thoughts run free, let them wash over you like a stream. Acknowledge them but do not interact with them.

Benefits of Meditation

1. Boosts of Creativity

Meditation is a great way to boost your creativity. If you struggle to have new ideas, consider meditating. This will help you clear your mind a bit and allow you to properly observe your thoughts and clear out or identify the thoughts muddling your mind.

Once they are identified, it is much easier to address them. Addressing them will clear a good amount of these thoughts from your mind and give you the opportunity to access the creativity that is already in you. Great ideas will come from stillness and observation.


boost incense creativity

2. Dopamine Detox

If you've never heard of the term "dopamine detox", it simply refers to the purposeful avoidance of dopamine. Dopamine is a neurotransmitter which means your body specifically the nerve cells use it to communicate and send messages to each other.

Dopamine is a great hormone associated with happiness, reward and pleasure. It's not a bad thing however how much dopamine we are exposed to daily is bad.


Our body has not had the time to evolve as fast as a society, therefore, it continues to release dopamine the same way it would release dopamine after receiving feedback or an emotion from our ancestors when they hunted.

This leads to a dopamine overload which can aid procrastination or the inability to focus because there are so many items around us that provide dopamine as a reward regularly. Our phones and interacting with people on the internet are two ways to access dopamine very easily.


incense boost dopamine

This can be quite detrimental to one's mental health because you can be sad and still have access to dopamine and you can struggle with focus and achieving your goals because you've already received validation or a sort of reward for stating your goals and getting positive comments on a social media post. Now, this is not bad in any way or form however it can be dangerous when it is excessive.


A dopamine detox is essentially going on a purposeful task to avoid dopamine or to avoid dopamine that is not a result of actually doing your tasks. A great way to do this is meditation. Meditation has little to no external manipulation or distractions so you get to focus on yourself as well as your thoughts. Consider doing this daily to clear your mind and identify your goals with a much clearer headspace.


3. Starting Day with Positive Mindset

A five or ten-minute meditation session is perfect to start your day. You can use this time to set your intentions for the day and go through the tasks you have to do with no distractions. It's also great because it fosters a more positive mindset which can affect your day immensely.


incense boost moorning

If you're going to be meditating regularly, you'll need an incense holder and incense burner to go with your incense sticks for meditation, you can find affordable and latest collection at Incense Ocean online store.


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