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Why backflow incense cones are special?

Incense Inspiration

Why backflow incense cones are special?

Incense Ocean offers a mix of backflow incense cones. Our backflow incense cones are available in different scents, sizes, and quantities. We all know the importance of backflow incense cones when using a backflow incense burner therefore we decided to make a list of our best backflow incense cones.

The use of incense is one that can be traced back for thousands of years. Incense is an aromatic material that has drawn the attention of humans across the veils of time. Whether for its spiritual purposes or its practical purposes, incense can never be regarded as a useless or unnecessary product. 

There are mainly four types of incense; incense sticks, incense cones, incense powder, and incense coils.

Natural Sandalwood Backflow Incense Cones
Natural Sandalwood Backflow Incense Cones
Natural Sandalwood Backflow Incense Cones

Incense sticks are very popular. They are the most affordable of the lot and they need the least equipment. Incense sticks can be placed on bowls, incense holders, or incense burners while they burn. Incense cones on the other hand can not. Incense cones unlike incense sticks do not have a wooden core. Rather, they are tightly wrapped incense balls in the shape of a cone

Here are some of the differences between incense sticks and incense cones.

1. Incense sticks usually have a wooden core that serves as the carrier of the incense but the incense cone is different.

2. Incense cones do not have any items or ingredients that are not a direct part of incense.

3. Incense cones release their scent faster than incense sticks.

4. Incense cones and incense sticks burn for around the same duration.

incense sticks

Incense cones are great for several reasons. They're tightly packed, they're much easier to clean due to the necessity of incense burners, they release the fragrance of the incense much better and they are a staple for incense burners.

Incense burners are items that aid in the burning of incense. As we mentioned earlier, incense types like the cone and powder cannot burn on their own without resulting in waste. Incense burners are necessary to ensure you thoroughly enjoy the experience. 

Incense burners are useful for the following reasons;

1. Safety - Incense burners are safer than incense holders because they offer more coverage and are more secure.

2. Easier to clean - Incense burners are easier to clean. This is because of how they are designed. The traditional flat incense holder would only collect the ashes across and around the bowl while an incense burner collects the ashes within the burner. This saves you time in cleaning and you don't have to deal with little ash particles flying around.

3. Visually Pleasing - Incense burners are very visually pleasing. The sight of the smoke can be very pleasing to the eye. This is one of the reasons why people purchase incense burners. If you're a fan of incense burners that can give you a show, check out our incense burners.

4. Optimization - Using incense burners actually helps you save money because you'll be using the incense cones for much longer than you would if you had just left it out to burn.

incense cones chinese
incense cones on the table
incense cones open box

There are two main types of incense burners and they are waterfall incense burnersand backflow incense burners. Waterfall and Backflow incense burners are similar however they should not be mistaken or mixed up. Backflow incense burners release the smoke downwards while waterfall incense burners release the incense smoke in a manner resembling waterfalls, hence the name.

These incense burners often require a particular type of incense. Our focus lies with Backflow incense burners that use backflow incense cones. Backflow incense cones are made to suit the backflow incense burners. Incense burners for cones need to have a designated spot for the cone as well as a route for the smoke to pass through to ensure it has the desired effect. Backflow incense cones are cones designed to do this. 

When selecting the best backflow incense cone for you, you need to take two things into account;

1. The duration; which is how long it lasts.

2. The scent; which is what it smells like. This is especially important because the main function of incense is reliant on the sense of smell therefore the scent must always be pleasing.

 If you just purchased a backflow incense burner and don't know the backflow incense cone to select, do not worry, we've got you. 

Here are some of the best backflow incense cones available!

Natural Sandalwood Backflow Incense Cones

1. Natural Sandalwood Backflow Incense Cones - The natural sandalwood backflow incense cone is perfect for those who love the woody smell. If you're a fan of incense sticks then this is for you. With this scent, you can switch up the aroma of your home or office. It's subtle enough to not draw too much attention. This is one of the best backflow incense cones because of its other woody fragrances. This comes in wormwood, laoshan sandalwood, water agilawood, wu agilawood, Australia sandalwood, arborvitae, and regular agilawood.

2. The Fragrance Backflow Incense cones- The fragrance backflow incense cones are also among the best backflow incense cones available. This is a collection of cones available at the Incense Ocean shop. This collection introduces five new scents to ensure that you have the chance to thoroughly explore your options before selection. These backflow incense cones come in lavender, jasmine, ocean, rose, and mixed scents. The options available in this collection of the best backflow incense cones give you the ability to truly explore very different scents. Whether you're a fan of the sweet rose scent or the gentle ocean scent, these five scents are sure to give you a wonderful backflow incense experience.

Fragrance Backflow Incense Cones
incense scents
incense cones jasmine scents

Our services and productshave been tailored and specifically made to properly provide you with the very best and only the highest quality of incense. Incense is sacred, it is special and it should be treated as such. Our backflow incense cones are the best backflow incense cones you can purchase. With these wonderful products, you're going to explore and appeal to two of your senses; your nose and your eyes. Check out our pick of the best backflow incense conesand have a wonderful experience.

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